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If you are a soldier or a recruit wanting to join the U.S. Army, you must meet specific physical fitness and body composition standards. One of the ways to assess your body fat percentage is to use the Army Body Fat Calculator, which is based on the U.S. Army Standards of Medical Fitness. This blog post will explain the Army Body Fat Calculator, how to use it, and why it matters for your health and performance.

What is the Army Body Fat Calculator?

The Army Body Fat Calculator is a tool that estimates your body fat percentage based on your height, weight, and body measurements. It uses a formula that considers your gender, age, and body shape. The calculator also tells you if your body fat percentage is within the acceptable range for your age group and gender or if you need to lose or gain weight to meet the Army standards.

The Army Body Fat Calculator is not the only way to measure your body fat percentage. Other methods include skinfold callipers, bioelectrical impedance, hydrostatic weighing, and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). However, these methods are not always available, accurate, or convenient. The Army Body Fat Calculator is a simple and practical way to estimate your body fat percentage at home or the gym.

How to Use the Army Body Fat Calculator?

To use the Army Body Fat Calculator, you need to gather the following data:

  • Your age and gender
  • Your weight in pounds or kilograms
  • Your height in feet and inches or centimetres
  • Your neck circumference in inches or centimetres, measured just below the larynx (Adam’s apple)
  • Your waist circumference in inches or centimetres, measured at the level of the navel (belly button) or the point of minimum abdominal circumference
  • Your hip circumference in inches or centimetres, measured at the widest point of the buttocks (only for women)

Once you have these data, you can enter them into the Army Body Fat Calculator, which you can find online or download as an app. The calculator will then compute your body fat percentage and compare it to the Army standards for your age group and gender. You will also see your body fat category, which can be one of the following:

  • Lean: Your body fat percentage is below the minimum standard for your age group and gender. You may need to gain some weight to improve your health and performance.
  • Optimal: Your body fat percentage is optimal for your age group and gender. You are in good shape and meet the Army requirements.
  • Marginal: Your body fat percentage is slightly above the optimal range for your age group and gender. You may need to lose some weight to improve your health and performance.
  • Overweight: Your body fat percentage is above the maximum standard for your age group and gender. It would be best to lose weight to meet the Army requirements and avoid health risks.

Why Does the Army Body Fat Calculator Matter?

The Army Body Fat Calculator matters because it helps you monitor your body composition and fitness level. A healthy body fat percentage is essential for overall health and physical and mental performance. Excess body fat can increase your risk of various diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some cancers. It can also impair your mobility, endurance, strength, and agility. On the other hand, having too little body fat can also be harmful, as it can affect your immune system, hormone balance, bone health, and mental health.

The Army Body Fat Calculator also matters because it helps you comply with the Army standards and regulations. The Army has strict body fat standards for its soldiers and recruits, varying by age and gender. These standards ensure that Army personnel are fit, healthy, and ready for combat. If you fail to meet the body fat standards, you may face consequences, such as being placed on a mandatory weight loss program, denied promotion, or discharged from the service.

Therefore, using the Army Body Fat Calculator regularly can help you keep track of your body fat percentage and adjust your diet and exercise routine if needed. It can also help you prepare for the Physical Readiness Test (PRT), a mandatory fitness test measuring your muscular endurance and aerobic capacity. The PRT consists of three events: push-ups, forearm planks, and a 1.5-mile run or walk. Alternatively, you can choose one of the following cardio events: 200-meter row, treadmill, 500-yard or 450-meter swim, or stationary bike. The PRT is conducted twice a year for all active-duty and reserve soldiers, and recruits at boot camp are also tested.


The Army Body Fat Calculator is a valuable tool that can help you estimate and compare your body fat percentage to the Army standards. It can also help you monitor your health and fitness level and prepare for the PRT. To use the Army Body Fat Calculator, you must measure your height, weight, neck, waist, and hip circumferences and enter them into the calculator. The calculator will then tell you your body fat percentage, body fat category, and whether you meet the Army requirements. You can use the Army Body Fat Calculator online or download it as an app.

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